Information & Communications Technology Policy

1 INFORMATION & COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY POLICY It is the policy of the Los Angeles LGBT Center (“Center”) to allow and encourage the use of Internet services to support the accomplishment of the various missions of the Center. The Center believes that all employees/volunteers/interns will benefit from the use of leading-edge technology with regard to information and communication, and that all employees/volunteers/interns should have equal access to such technology. This technology includes e-mail (internal and external to the Center), unlimited access to the Internet including the World Wide Web, a Center website (, and a Center intranet (a local website that is available only to current employees/volunteers/interns of the Center). The Center provides this technology for work-related purposes and expects that all employees/volunteers/interns will use this technology in a responsible manner. The technology is made available to employees/volunteers/interns to enhance their ability to work effectively and efficiently, to provide the ability to communicate effectively with one another and with outside agents, to improve the quality of care and service to clients, and to provide employees/volunteers/interns with job-related information to enhance their skills, abilities and career potential. It is the responsibility of each employee/volunteer/intern of the Center to learn, understand and abide by the Center’s Information and Communications Technology Policy. Employees/volunteers/interns’ access to the Internet and to external Internet e-mail is conditioned upon their signed acknowledgement of this policy. Any violation of any part of the following policies occurring after the employee/volunteer/intern has agreed to and signed the policy may subject the employee/volunteer/intern to disciplinary action ranging from the loss of Internet privileges up to and including termination of employment for cause. The following policies are necessarily lengthy and thorough. It is not the intention of the Center that the volume or detail of these policies might lead employees/volunteers/interns to fear using their computer systems. For most employees/volunteers/interns, such use is essential to their jobs. These policies are presented to help employees/volunteers/interns understand that system resources are limited, that personal use of these systems must never interfere with their work performance or be disruptive to the work environment, that outside viruses could severely jeopardize our data systems and therefore our ability to serve our clients, and that professionalism and good judgment are especially important in a networked environment. No employee/volunteer/intern will be penalized for any action that is not within their control. Right of Management to Monitor and Record Like all other use of the Center’s computers or technology services, the use of Center equipment for personal use of the Internet may be monitored and recorded. Anyone using Center equipment consents to such monitoring and is advised that if such monitoring reveals possible evidence of criminal activity or employees/volunteers/intern misconduct, system personnel may provide the evidence of such activity or misconduct to the management of the Center or to law enforcement officials. 2 No Guarantee of Privacy Individual employees/volunteers/interns are not guaranteed privacy while using the Center’s computers and should not expect it. To the extent that Center employees/volunteers/interns wish that their private activities remain private, they should avoid using the Center’s computers or Internet services for such activities. General Policies Regarding Internet Usage and Electronic Mail (e-mail) The following guidelines apply to the use of all Internet services provided by the Center, including Internet (external) e-mail. 1. Internet services provided by the Center during official working hours, including paid overtime hours, are to be used for authorized work-related purposes only. Such purposes will be referred to as official purposes. 2. Unless prohibited by the specific policies of a department within the Center or as a result of disciplinary action taken as a result of lack of compliance with this policy, the use of Internet services and e-mail provided by the Center during non-working hours is not limited to official purposes. 3. Employees/volunteers/interns may not use Center printers or supplies in conjunction with personal Internet and e-mail activities. 4. The Center expects employees/volunteers/interns to conduct themselves professionally while using Center resources, including Internet services. Employees/volunteers/interns must refrain from using Center resources for activities that are disruptive to the work place or in violation of public trust. 5. No employee/volunteer/intern may download any software application programs from the Internet for use on the Center’s computers. Applications files are programs that run on your computer. Such downloading can result in the introduction of damaging viruses to the Center’s network. Additionally, the Center’s Information Technology Services department cannot support computers with unauthorized software. Any employees/volunteers/interns who require additional applications software to perform their work should contact the Information Technology Services Department through the “ITS Help Desk” e-mail address or through their Systems Point Person. Unauthorized software and data files for such software may be removed from any computer without prior notification of the employee/volunteer/intern. You are permitted to download data files, including documents, brochures, and photographs. 6. Downloading files from the Internet may introduce viruses to the Center network. Scan all downloaded files with the Center-standard virus prevention software. Contact the System Point Person or the ITS Department at “IS Help Desk” to request information on how to minimize viruses. 7. Never send any confidential Center materials, files or information via e-mail. 8. Be sure to properly acknowledge any material that you write, send or post that may be borrowed from others. Plagiarism is unacceptable under any circumstance. Do not post or send copyrighted information without the express permission of the author(s). 9. Use of the Center’s computers or Internet services (including but not limited to e-mail or web browsing) is strictly prohibited at all times (during working or non-working hours) for the following activities: 3 a. the pursuit of private commercial business activities or profit-making ventures (i.e., employees/volunteers/interns may not use the Center’s computers or Internet services to operate a business); b. matters directed toward the success or failure of a political party, candidate for partisan political office, or partisan political group; c. any direct or indirect lobbying which is prohibited as a result of the Center’s 501(c)3 status; d. use of Internet sites that result in any charge to the Center; e. any action that engages in any form of prohibited discriminatory conduct; f. any action that could reasonably be expected to result in sexual harassment of another individual or group; g. any action that could reasonably be expected to result in defamation, slander or libel of an individual or legal entity; h. any action that is in violation of copyright laws or other intellectual property rights; i. any action that results in obtaining or viewing sexually explicit or sexually gratuitous material for any purpose that does not directly support the Center’s existing programs relating to the prevention of HIV or sexually transmitted diseases; j. any action that is a violation of any existing statute or regulation; k. any action that is a violation of any existing Center policy or rule; l. any action that could obligate the Center to a contractual or financial responsibility, unless you are specifically authorized to obligate the Center to such a responsibility (presently, Executive Director, Chief Financial Officer); m. any action that breaches the confidentiality of clients; n. any action that breaches the confidentiality of donors; o. any action that breaches the confidentiality of employee/volunteer/intern personnel files; p. any action that makes available non-public confidential information relating to the Center’s management, plans, or finances; or q. any action that could reasonably be expected to bring discredit to the Center. Electronic Mail (e-mail) In addition to the general policies listed above, the following policies and guidelines apply to the use of e- mail (internal and external): 1. External e-mail (carried over the internet) is NOT necessarily secure. Never include anything in an external e-mail message that you want to keep private and confidential. 2. Management has the right to access all e-mail files created, received or stored on any Center system and such files can be accessed without prior notification. 3. No employees/volunteers/intern may represent themselves as someone else, either real or fictional, or send any e-mail message anonymously. 4. Never send, post or provide any confidential Center information or materials. 5. Never copy anyone who is not an employee/volunteer/intern of the Center on an official internal e-mail. 6. Unless prohibited by the specific policies of a department within the Center or as a result of disciplinary action taken because of lack of compliance with this policy, limited personal use of e- mail during working hours is permissible. Such use is a privilege, not a right, of Center employee/volunteer/intern and may be revoked for individual employee/volunteer/intern if misused. 7. Sending threatening, slanderous, and/or harassing (racially, sexually, culturally, etc.) messages is expressly prohibited and will be grounds for immediate termination of employment for cause. 4 8. At no time may any Center e-mail addresses be used in a manner which could reasonably be expected to give the impression that an otherwise personal communication is authorized by the Center. 9. Any personal communication should be expressly identified as such by the sender in the subject line or in the first line of the body of each personal communication. 10. Personal use of e-mail cannot interfere with the official business of the employees/volunteers/intern or the organization, including spending an inappropriate amount of time during working hours (e.g. sending more than four brief messages per day), filling up a mailbox with personal messages so as to prevent official messages from being delivered, or disseminating chain letters. 11. The dissemination of or forwarding of chain letters is expressly prohibited and will result in the loss of use of all Internet services privileges. 12. The Center’s disk storage space is a valuable limited resource. Each employee/volunteer/intern is allowed a limited amount of space to store e-mail messages. It is the responsibility of the employee/volunteer/intern to make certain that space is always available to receive official e-mail communications. 13. To protect our data storage resources, do not send frivolous or unnecessary e-mails to employees/volunteers/interns of the Center. Use restraint with the size of the files that you create and with the address list of Center employees/volunteers/interns to whom you send a message. Delete old e-mails from your inbox or “sent items” file. (You may wish to archive them on a flash drive so as not to take up network storage space.) 14. In the event that an employee/volunteer/intern’s mailbox is dangerously close to full, personal e- mail messages may be read and deleted by a system administrator without prior notification to the employee/volunteer/intern. 15. Graphics and animation files (including electronic greeting cards) require an inordinate amount of storage space. Employees/volunteers/interns should read and then delete all such files. Such files may be deleted from an employee/volunteer/intern’s mailbox by a system administrator without prior notice. 16. Due to the fact that the majority of destructive viruses are received through e-mail messages, no employee/volunteer/intern shall open any e-mail file from any source that is not known and trusted. Never open any attachments to e-mail messages unless you are certain of the contents and the reliability of the sender. 17. Never open an application file attached to an e-mail. These files usually have a “.exe” and their extension. If you have any questions about opening an attachment, contact the ITS Department before opening it. Internet Browsing In addition to the general policies listed above, the following policies and guidelines apply to browsing the Internet for information: 1. If you are using an Internet site to acquire information to help you make important decisions related to client services delivery, legal compliance, strategic business direction or other important decisions related to the Center’s official business, you should verify the integrity of that information. You should also verify whether the site is updated on a regular basis (the lack of revision may indicate the information is out of date) and that it is a valid provider of information that you are seeking. Just because it is on the Internet does not mean that it is accurate or valid. 5 2. The Center has no control or responsibility for content on an external server not under the control of the Center. Some external information may be offensive and/or unsuitable for dissemination. 3. When repeating or publishing information that you have acquired over the Internet, copyright laws and the rules of plagiarism apply. Do not use any information you have acquired over the Internet without the using the proper rules of attribution to the author or originator. Information Posted to Internet Sites Internet sites are defined as any site which is accessible by the public or a segment of the public, including but not limited to web pages, the Center’s official web page (, or any Usenet news group or Internet mailing list. 1. The use of the Center’s official website(s) is/are for “official use” only. The Center will retain complete editorial control of all information posted to its website(s). 2. No employee/volunteer/intern may post any document to any Internet site, including, without prior approval of the Los Angeles LGBT Center’s Director of Communications or the Chief Executive Officer. 3. Confidential information relating to the Center and its programs must never be posted on the Center’s official website or on any other Internet site. 4. No employee/volunteer/intern may post any personal postings to any Internet site from a Center e-mail address. Any such personal posting may show your e-mail address and be understood as an authorized posting of the Center. 5. No employee/volunteer/intern may use a Center e-mail address to join lists for personal or unauthorized purposes. Lists may only be joined for work-related purposes. Software Piracy It is the policy of the Los Angeles LGBT Center to utilize all commercially purchased software in accordance with its individual licensing agreement. Unless otherwise provided in the license, any duplication of copyrighted software, except for backup and archival purposes, is a violation of the law. Unauthorized duplication of copyrighted computer software is contrary to the Los Angeles LGBT Center’s standard of conduct. Further, it is the policy of the Los Angeles LGBT Center to comply with Title 17 of the U.S. Code in the protection of “original works of authorship” that are fixed in a tangible form of expression. These categories should be viewed quite broadly and include literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, audiovisual, and computer programs as well as other intellectual works. Network Security 1. Your password to access the Center network is not to be shared with anyone. You must never allow anyone to sign in to the network on your password. You must never sign into the network on anyone else’s password. If you are having trouble signing in, please contact your System Point Person or contact the ITS Department via e-mail at “ITS Help Desk.” You may be held responsible for any unauthorized use of the Internet that occurs under your log-in ID. Always sign out of the system when you leave your computer for an extended period. 2. Hacking is the unauthorized attempt or entry into any other computer or computer network. Never make an unauthorized attempt to enter any computer. Such an action is a violation of the Federal Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) 18 U.S.C. 2510. 6 3. You must report any suspicion or knowledge of anyone who has attempted to hack into the LALGBT Center network to the ITS Department directly. Netiquette “Netiquette” is a term that refers to network etiquette, or the practice of good manners in a networked computer environment. 1. Be careful when sending replies to messages. Make sure that you are sending the reply to a group when you want to send it to a group and to an individual when you want to send it only to an individual. It is safer to address replies directly to a sender than to use the automatic reply function. Check carefully the “To” and “cc:” fields of your response before sending. 2. Some communications are not appropriate for e-mail. Confidential statements, questions or statements about the performance of an employee/volunteer/intern, or questions or statements about a client are best communicated in more traditional and more secure forms. 3. Some news is best delivered face to face. Remember the golden rule. Think to yourself how you would like to hear certain information if it were being told to you. Sometimes the cold and informal nature of e-mail is inappropriate. Sometimes there is no substitute for face-to-face personal communication where body language and tone of voice are better interpreted. 4. Never send an angry e-mail message. If you are angry, it is best to “cool off” first and then determines what is appropriate communication to another individual. 5. Do not respond immediately to messages that are offensive or angry in tone. All e-mail messages and responses should be polite in tone. If you are bothered by a message, it is best to “cool off” first and then determine an appropriate response. 6. Remember also that e-mail messages are generally short and that your interpretation may be clouded by what you have “read into” the message. Give the sender the benefit of the doubt. 7. Pay attention to punctuation, grammar and spelling. Typographical errors, poor grammar and other mistakes will reflect negatively on your professionalism and the professionalism of the Center. Use automatic grammar and spell-checking programs if they are available. 8. Include a signature on all of your e-mails. This is especially important for business messages that are sent to contacts outside of the Center. Your signature should include your name, your title, “Los Angeles LGBT Center,” the address to which your regular mail is delivered, your phone number and/or your fax number. Cooperation with Investigations All employees/volunteers/interns of the Center are obligated to cooperate with any investigation by Center management regarding the use of their computer equipment. Login Usage Policy All logins are for official usage only for the duration of the employee’s/volunteer’s/intern’s time at the Los Angeles LGBT Center. Logins will be deactivated upon termination of employment for all employees/volunteers/interns. In addition, any login not used within 30 days will be deactivated. Any employee volunteer/intern who returns to the Center and whose login is terminated will need to submit a new request to ITS Help Desk. 7 Acknowledgement of Receipt and Acceptance of Policy I acknowledge receipt of my copy of the Los Angeles LGBT Center’s Information and Communications Technology Policy. I have read and understand this policy. I agree to this policy in full and understand that such agreement is required before I may use the Los Angeles LGBT Center’s computer systems and Internet services. I understand that I, at any time, have the opportunity to ask questions about this policy and the rules and restrictions included in it. I will address any questions that I may have to my supervisor, the Human Resources Manager, the Chief Financial Officer, or the Director of Information Technology Services. I acknowledge that I am aware that all logins not used for 30 days will be terminated and I will need to request a new login upon return to the Center. I acknowledge that I have had the opportunity to ask questions about this policy before I signed it and understand it fully without confusion. Volunteer Position/Intern Title: __________________________________________________________ Volunteer/Intern Names & Signature: __________________________ _______________________________ _________________________ First Name, Middle Name Preferred Name Last Name _______________________________________________________________ Date: ______________ Volunteer/Intern’s Signature Supervisor Names & Signature: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Supervisor’s First & Last Name Supervisor’s Department/Program _______________________________________________________________ Date: ______________ Supervisor’s Signature

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